March Meeting of the Ross County Safety Council
Join us (virtually) on Thursday, March 17, 10am for the March Safety Council Meeting.
March 21-March 27 is National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week, an annual, week-long, health observance which fosters dialogue about the science of drug use and addiction. United for Youth is an organization that “creates a path forward for children, youth, and families impacted by substance abuse”. To learn more about National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week, visit National Institute on Drug Abuse
We will hear from Dr. John Gabis, primary physician at Adena Pickaway Ross Family Physicians. Dr. Gabis’ focus is on being a family physician in a small community and he is passionate about forming relationships with his patients by listening and caring for them as a person. Dr. Gabis also serves as the Executive Director of the PACCAR Medical Education Center.
Mike Throne is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: RCSC March Meeting
Time: Mar 10, 2022 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 878 7410 0343
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