October Safety Council Meeting (Virtual)
October 8th Ross County Safety Council Virtual Meeting
We’re happy to announce our 3rd Ross County Virtual Safety Council meeting of 2020-2021. All remaining virtual meetings this year will start at 10am (unless notified otherwise). We expect the presentations to take between 30-45 minutes with a brief question & answer portion immediately following.
Topic: Fire Safety in Business
Speaker: Angie Lochbaum, Owner/President, Chillicothe Fire & Security
A reminder that to join a 2020-2021 Ross County Safety Council Virtual Meeting, you must register below. If you do not pre-register, we will not be able to admit you to the meeting. The reason for this is that we can’t make the Zoom link accessible to the general public for safety of the presenters and the attendees.
Comments 1
All, the Zoom link has been sent for Thursday’s meeting. If you didn’t receive it (or if you did but others in your organization need to get it as well), please email me at mthrone@chillicotheohio.com to receive it.