Ross County Safety Council Members,
Below is the schedule for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. Please note that a few dates are not the typical “second Thursday” due to PACCAR Center availabilty.
Our kickoff event will be August 16th at The Majestic Theatre. We will be hosting an active shooter scenario. If you are a concealed carry permit holder, please do not carry your weapon to this event! You are subject to be checked upon entering the facility. The Pour House at Machinery Hall will be catering.
Schedule –
August 16th -Kickoff
September 13th -Hazard Mapping
October 18th -Smoking Cessation
November 15th -Sickness In The Workplace
December 13th -Motivational Speaker TBA
January 10th -Zombie Apocalypse (Emergency Prepardness)
February 14th -Creating A Safety Culture
March 14th -Sleep Deprivation
April 11th -Awards Banquet
May 9th -Near Misses (Close Call Accidents)
June 13th -Behaviour Based Safety
We will be hosting a few workshops this year including CPR, OSHA 10HR, Safety 101, a CEO Event, and a drug workshop. Stay tuned for details on these events!
For questions about the schedule please call Briana Hood at 740-702-2722 or email